Tummy Tuck in Naperville

Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is an operation that is designed to reshape your abdomen. Often, through weight gain and loss, pregnancies and aging, your skin stretches beyond its elastic limit or ability to return to a normal shape. An abdominoplasty removes your excess skin and fat while the underlying muscles are tightened.

The actual placement of incisions and design of your abdominal incisions vary depending on the looseness of the underlying tissues, the amount of fat to be removed, the condition of the overlying skin and prior scars.

For those women where the sagging skin is mainly in the lower abdomen the mini-abdominoplasty is an additional option. This body sculpting procedure is not as extensive due to a smaller incision that is easily hidden under a two piece bathing suit. Instead, a tummy tuck in Naperville could offer you a more rapid recovery and may be done on an outpatient basis.

Who is a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck Procedure?

To be a candidate for a stomach enhancement procedure, you should meet one of the following requirements:

  • Women or men with loose or sagging abdominal wall skin.
  • Women or men with abnormal relaxation of the anterior (front) abdominal wall muscles due to weight gain or loss, pregnancies, or prior surgery.
  • Those who are unable to tighten the abdominal wall skin with exercise.
  • A smoother flatter abdomen.

When you desire a tummy tuck and fit one of the categories above, call our team in Naperville.

What Happens During an Abdominoplasty?

A tummy tuck–which our team usually performs at an accredited outpatient facility or hospital in Naperville–includes:

  • Anesthetic options include local anesthesia with oral sedation, conscious sedation and general anesthesia.
  • Mini-abdominoplasty can usually be performed under conscious sedation on an outpatient basis.
  • Standard abdominoplasty tightens all of the abdominal wall skin leaving a standard scar.
  • Mini-abdominoplasty tightens the lower abdominal wall skin only leaving a shorter scar.
  • Small suction drains may be inserted with both procedures.

The healing process following a tummy tuck can be involved–and it’s important to understand what to expect. Our team can explain the following in further detail during a consultation.

  • Discomfort is usually controlled with oral medications.
  • Recovery may be at home with a responsible adult caregiver, at a supervised recovery facility or at the hospital with an overnight stay.
  • If placed, drains are removed in 2-7 days.
  • Sutures are usually removed in 2-3 weeks.
  • A compression garment with dressings over the incision sites is used.
  • Light activity may be resumed in 7-14 days. Sports will probably not be comfortable for about 6 weeks.
  • An abdominal binder (compression garment) is usually worn for 4-6 weeks.

In some cases, our team may recommend liposculpture, which can be combined with an abdominoplasty.

Call Our Office in Naperville to Explore Your Options for a Tummy Tuck

The specific risks and the suitability of this procedure for a given individual can be determined during a consultation with Dr. Joseph. All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. Minor complications that do not affect the outcome occur occasionally. Major complications are rare.

Our team wants to help you look and feel your best. Call today to find out more about how we can help restore your confidence.

Dr. Richard A. Joseph, MD
Mill Street Professional Building
1250 North Mill St., Suite 103
Naperville, IL 60563 Get Directions
(630) 717 8200